Getting our gardens ready!

Can you believe the year is already 1/4 way done? Not to mention it’s about that time to start prepping your gardens! Lucky for us, yesterday’s drizzle let up just in time for our SCLT staff garden workday! We donned our garden gloves and took out our other gardening gear from their winter’s hiatus and spiffed up our side-yard garden. Some staff have already started seedlings inside. Hardy greens like kale and broccoli and root veggies can start to be seeded directly outside as well.

Leo turns over cover crop that we planted in October. Cover crop is a mix of grasses (we planted Winter Rye) that's turned over a couple weeks before planting, adding nitrogen back into the soil.

We got a lovely donation of compost from a community member who composts from her backyard. Compost is full of nutrient-rich organic matter – this means healthy soil and happy vegetables and plants!

This is Brock, our newest staff person! Brock is about to incorporate compost (that rich, dark, pile you see on the left), into his garden plot!

Need resources and tips for starting your garden? Visit the SCLT Urban Agriculture Resource Center or attend one of our Plant Providence workshops (next ones are Cultivating Perennials on March 31st and Soil Health and Remediation on April 7th). Happy Planting!

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