Volunteer spotlight: Kim Downes, SCLT Growers Network Council Chair

Kim Downes is a beloved friend and volunteer of Southside Community Land Trust. Kim first started helping out at the greenhouse at City Farm about a year and half ago. She became the Growers Network Council Chairperson when she accidentally stumbled upon a CGN meeting. She was so enthusiastic about what the Growers Network was doing, SCLT thought she would be a great fit for the volunteer position. Kim will be moving out of state shortly, and we wanted to wish this all-star volunteer the best!

SCLT: What is your background? Does that fit into SCLT in anyway?

Kim: I studied landscape design in college. I had just moved back from California from working in urban landscape planning and was looking for a place to volunteer, while training to be a URI Masters Gardener. I loved that I could be outside and work in nature with Southside Community Land Trust, and that the urban agriculture aspect of SCLT was very relevant to my background in urban landscape planning.

SCLT: How did you find SCLT? What were some of your volunteer tasks?

Kim: I started off helping out at the greenhouse working with Rich at City Farm. One time I was at a meeting just filling in for somebody on the Growers Network, and I liked it so much I asked if I could stay and help out! I support Liza and Cindy with outreach and event planning around Growers Network events like the Garden Tour and Urban Agriculture Kickoff. I like that I can apply some of my skills to being a volunteer, like designing the kickoff poster.

SCLT: What was a highlight you learned and will take away with you?

Kim: I like working with such a diverse organization. There are so many cultures and personalities at Southside and the work is reflected in that uniqueness. I love the important benefits that community gardens bring to a place and to the people. In the city I’m moving to, I’m definitely going to ask them why there are no community gardens!

Want to volunteer at SCLT? Email your interests to Michelle at michelle@southsideclt.org

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