Picking for the President

The commemorative menu designed by RISD instructor William Hall.

Johnnie Chace, an SCLT board member and Providence-area developer, will be hosting President Obama this evening at her home for a political fundraiser. Thanks to her efforts, the gourmet dinner will feature a wide variety of locally-grown produce and artisanal foods from throughout Rhode Island, serving as an edible exhibit of the state’s culinary skills and traditions. We’re proud to say that all of the herbs, onions, carrots, and leeks going into tonight’s menu came from the Little City Grower’s Co-op, which includes City Farm! Read more about preparations for the meal in this story from The Providence Journal.

2 Comments to “Picking for the President”

  1. Any chance you can post the actual commemorative menu program designing the “Dinner in honor of the 44th President of the United States” ? When the menu on your blog is clicked on it takes you to a pro Jo article. Would love to see what the actual program looked like. Thank you. PS I love all that you guys do. I work with David LIddle at Mount Hope Farm in Bristol mostly as a volunteer.

  2. Thanks! Unfortunately, we were unable to find a full-scale image of the menu; The Providence Journal only posted that somewhat blurry scan. We would have liked to have seen Mr. Hall’s illustrations, too! You can see a *slightly* larger version here: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2b_SPCr78uQ/TMWi4wBENNI/AAAAAAAATF0/1H8d_ZjuXnI/s1600/invite.jpg

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